The N.U.A Radio Show (New, Unsigned, Alternative) Is a UK based radio show. Compiled each week from submissions from the best unsigned acts and respected promoters from the UK and worldwide.
The show was broadcast on a single Internet station between 2009 - 2014 And syndicated on over 40 stations on a weekly basis since 2014. Over the years The N.U.A show has won a selection of awards. Jay Adkins is the shows host. He has over 30 years of radio presentation skills and production talents. He is widely respected by broadcasters and artists globally.
To subscribe to the weekly 2 hour show, please select your payment preference below. For £1.50 a week you can receive a professionally produced unsigned music show that will compliment your existing schedule.
The N.U.A Show Monthly (£6.00 Per Month)
To unsubscribe please email [email protected] before the end of the month.
The N.U.A Show Monthly (£70.00 Per Year)
To unsubscribe please email [email protected] before the end of the month.
Terms & Conditions.
This Subscription is for you, and you only. Any station found sharing it will be invoiced £100.
If you have issues with receiving your prep, or need to cancel or alter your subscription please email [email protected] If you need to cancel your subscription, simply email unsubscribe.
When you cancel your subscription it will end immediately, not at the end of the billing month.
If it is still not possible to make payment after that month, your subscription will be cancelled. You will be manually invoiced for the unpaid month you’ve received the service, plus a £20 administration fee.
We do not take any responsibility or liability for mistakes or errors, or and legal proceedings as a result of using this service on-air. We’re always looking for ways to make the N.U.A Show better for you. If there’s anything you think we’re missing, feel free to email [email protected]
The N.U.A Show With Jay Adkins. Copyright 2009-Present